WIRED Nextfest, Los Angeles, USA | 13–16 September 2007
Ars Electronica Center, Linz, Austria | From 1 May 2007
Permanent exhibition at the Museum of the Future in of the Ars Electronica Center. You can interact with the robot in the RoboLab on the first floor. It is part of the theme field “With all Senses”.
Top Talent Award, Vienna, Austria | 23–25 November 2006
Interactive Media festival and award. Outerspace is the Overall Winner of the Top Talent Award 2006.
O.K Center, Linz, Austria | 31 August
08 October 2006
Cyberarts Exhibition in the O.K Center for Contemporary Art in Linz.
STRP, Eindhoven, The Netherlands | 24
26 March 2006
Exhibition at the STRP Festival for art and technology in Eindhoven.
RE/ACT, Heidelberg, Germany | 02
04 December 2005
International student media art festival.
> Exhibition photos
E12-Summit, Munich, Germany | 02 December 2005
The E12-Summit is Germany's electronic business lobby, a cross-sector decision-making group which directs and promotes the implementation of electronic business methods across the board in the German economy.
> Exhibition photos
Artbots, Dublinm, Ireland | 15
17 July 2005
The Robot Talent Show is an annual international art exhibition for robotic art and art-making robots.
> Exhibition photos
Designmai, Berlin, Germany | 13
15 May 2005
2PINK presents [NOSFER]ANIMA - Haptic Interface Design and interactive objects.
> Exhibition photos
Dorkbot, Transmediale 2005, Berlin, Germany | 07 Feb 2005
Outerspace at the dorkbot.bln event on Transmediale at the c-base
Lange Nacht der Museen, Berlin, Germany | 29 Jan 2005
Museum of Communication, Berlin
Karl-Hofer Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany | 05 Nov 2004
Outerspace at the Media Building of Berlin University of the Arts