Was andere über Outerspace sagen:
“Is it a microphone on a stick? Is it a spooky, dismembered last-generation iMac looking for its head? Is it a cybernetic pussywillow? We’re not sure, but this robot thing responds to sensory input like tickling, and even gets startled.”
www.engadget.com | 2005-02-07
“Outerspace, a cute little robot arm that, once it gets used to you, behaves a bit like a pet. [...] The machine has nothing human or dog-like. Yet, you get to feel some tenderness for it.”
www.we-make-money-not-art.com | 2005-02-08
“This fun, and strangly familar little robot encourages human interaction through its playful movement. With the articulated arm and ability to move on its own as it searches, the viewer readily accepts that life may exist in ‘him’.”
www.mediarosa.com | 2005-02-08
“Die Idee ist genial, das Lustobjekt von Outerspace wäre garantiert der Partyhit.”
www.maol.ch | 2005-02-07
“Quelles pourront être les applications des capteurs de touché développés sur ce robot ? Pour de nouvelles interfaces hommes-machines?”
technomaniac.blog.lemonde.fr | 2005-02-07